Ramble Update and Chit Chat-Weekly Hair and Makeup Routine (*With product list*)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013Hi my loves!
Chit chat time! If you don't want to read this and want to get to the makeup routine scroll down---
I know it's been a few days since I made a blog I'm sorry! I've been sick on and off the last few days, not sure what's going on internally inside my body! As the end of April is near I feel like I'm literally going to have a panic attack with everything going on! Planning for my second anniversary, my best friends wedding planning...Still need to do the bridal shower(I'll be starting a wedding series soon :'') ) Graduation! My birthdays and some summer trips I still need to plan. Hope I'm keeping everyone entertained, as I'm getting amazing feedback, so thank you!
Since my blog is about everything, I will be sharing what I use daily/weekly for my hair and makeup! I'll also be listing dupes for products and where you can find them. **This is going to be very detailed**
To me, My week starts on a Friday. That's usually when I have time to do everything for myself, usually Friday-Monday. Friday, I usually take care of my face and sometimes my hair if I don't have work that day. I do thoroughly put olive oil or argon oil in my hair, most of the time just in my ends. My days that I usually wear makeup are Friday, and Saturday. Yes! I can totally be spotted without any makeup! I know so many people out there that sit and criticise me and how much make up I wear etc. My best friends and sister have seen me get ready from shower to makeup to clothes, and trust me I can do that within 30mins-1.5 hours. It all depends on the occasion! And no one should have a problem with a girl wearing makeup, I think it's a okay for a guy to hate if someone really does look like a cake face. Makeup makes a girl confident, she's wearing it because she wants to. I wear it because It's within my field to look that way, I like trying new products and the fact my boyfriend likes it, no one should have a problem with it. Yes! I did just ramble about that! Sticking up for all those girls out there! =) Monday, is usually Manicure Monday, in which sometimes I forget so I do my nails on Sunday. Sunday is also recover day for me!
Some questions I get asked are...
1.How do you make your hair grow so fast and thick? honestly, It's always grown really really fast. Except the times I have chopped it off shoulder length and it feels like forever before it grows! Sad face* Thick? I don't think my hair stays consistent upon it's thickness. I just have some good genes from my dad's side, all my first cousins have nice thick hair. You need to eat right, that's how your hair will become thicker.
2.How should I cut my hair? DO NOT cut your hair because you think it's in style. Cut it in the way where it's healthy for your hair and scalp. Like, do not get a razor cut if you hair curly Q hair and is shaggy. For those of you who want to know, I hadn't cut my hair in a year and did not have split ends. I did get a razor cut this time to have more shorter layers. I also have had my hair touched and cut by only two Asian ladies my whole life, till this past February I let one of my friends cut it. Amazing!
3.What three favorite companies are good for everyday?
I like Maybeline, Revlon, and Elf for everyday (I don't use elf anymore but their products are good for starters as I am sucker for higher end)
S/N: Click Here to see my routines for hair!
Okay! Makeup Routine time!
- Clean face-Exfoliate! Make sure all that dead skin is off before you moisturize, you will have dry patches after applying your makeup and your makeup will slip off.Click Here to see a video on how to exfoliate! This is good to do once-twice a week. I used to have very dry skin, now I think I have normal and combination skin.
- Moisturize- You moisturize after cleaning your face, apply a thick amount and let it settle in, don't rub it through all the way. In my blog Here you can find the face cream I recommend to use. I think when I was maybe about 13, my mom has always told my sister and I to use face cream and thankfully now my skin is amazing and very well taken care of. I do get breakouts, but not like I used to. One thing I have learned is not to pick at it. To be honest! I do skip Jamat khana the week my face is bad. It makes me uncomfortable!
- You can used a face primer next, I only use one on certain occasions. A primer is used so that your makeup does not "slip" off your face. I've had random times I've cried and when I dabbed my face I was happy to know my foundation did not transfer! ALSO amazing now that it's almost summer! Some primers I recommend
-Revlon More for your buck! def a lot more in the packaging, good for starters.
-BENEFIT Really nice for fancy occasions and heavy makeup cover ups to stay on
- Next I do Foundation and Concealer.
Matte Foundation- makeup forever, covergirl,Loreal,
**I know a lot of Older women who do not want to wear liquid foundation, and I use this on my mom as well! It's amazing!! Maybeline Mousse Foundation for Older women and Everyday
- Next is Eyes. I switch around eyeshadow palette that I use just so I don't have another palette screaming "I'm new and you don't use me and I have pretty colors" and yes I so believe my makeup talks to me! I do use a primer, click Here to see the list of Eye Primers.
- Most important step! If you have oily skin, and your going to do a routine for summer time...please use a powder on top! I'm only naming basic ones now, will mention high end ones in the wedding series** Whether it's mineral powder or compact powder. Pat it into your t-zone!
***There is a lot more I would like to mention and that I add into my weekly routine, i.e setting spray, illuminators etc. But I will be mentioning that later! Just wanted to keep it more basic and easier for you guys to understand! Please leave comments and questions below!***